Drog for Teachers
Drog for Teachers
1. Activities before reading You Will Call Me Drog
2. Themes to discuss during and after reading
3. Metaphors to explore in You Will Call Me Drog
4. Activities after reading You Will Call Me Drog
5. Discussion questions by chapters click here
1. Activities before reading You Will Call Me Drog
2. Themes to discuss during and after reading
3. Metaphors to explore in You Will Call Me Drog
4. Activities after reading You Will Call Me Drog
5. Discussion questions by chapters click here
My Dog Has Flies
My Dog Has Flies
My Dog Has Flies
Sue Cowing
Poet & Author
In Other News
By Sue Cowing
Baby bats talk baby talk.
Saturn sings from rings to moon.
The show-off vulture in our zoo
is growing lonely. He must miss us.
Sea snakes only want to kiss us.
Backyards here can grow vanilla.
Newton’s apple tree still stands.
An Aussie lab can tell us how (or just how not)
to tickle a rat. How’s that?
Sociable vulture, ancient tree,
a musical planet or two or three--
do such things matter? Hard to say.
But thinking about them can make your day.