Drog for Teachers
Drog for Teachers
1. Activities before reading You Will Call Me Drog
2. Themes to discuss during and after reading
3. Metaphors to explore in You Will Call Me Drog
4. Activities after reading You Will Call Me Drog
5. Discussion questions by chapters click here
1. Activities before reading You Will Call Me Drog
2. Themes to discuss during and after reading
3. Metaphors to explore in You Will Call Me Drog
4. Activities after reading You Will Call Me Drog
5. Discussion questions by chapters click here
My Dog Has Flies
My Dog Has Flies
My Dog Has Flies
Sue Cowing
Poet & Author
Good Junk
Parker, the main character in You Will Call Me Drog, sees new possibilities in the things other people throw away, so he hunts the junk yard for treasures to inspire him. He’ll probably never find a discarded airplane, but you never know. . . . Here are some surprising creations people have made out of so-called “junk.”
Plane house
from environmentalgraffiti.com
Mini-motorcycle made from recycled disk drives and other computer parts
“Green Fiesta Jellyfish Lamp” by David Edgar
Moon face from oil drum lid
at eons.com
Tin man from recycled cans at eons.com
Skateboard staircase
from environmentalgraffiti.com
“Shimmering Red Runner”
by David Edgar
Camera robot
by Michael Shirley
Working motorcycle, reclaimed wood
“Shimmering Red Runner”
by David Edgar
Two creatures from “Mechanical Menagerie” by Ann Smith